Britannia Hotel is marking the occasion of its 150th year, with the launch of a luxurious coffee table book. The large format, hardback book, looks back the hotel's rich history, from 1870 to the grand reopening of the hotel in 2019 (and beyond).

Written by publisher Sverre M. Nyrønning, the book is in both English and Norwegian and is stacked full of images of the hotel, past and present. There will be a limited edition version of the book; 150 different covers, with a print run of just 1870 copies, all hand-signed.
Britannia Hotel's history oozes with enough people, events and activities to fill several books. So, it has been a rewarding task to write this commemorative book in connection with the hotel's 150 years in existence.
Sverre M. Nyrønning

Author Sverre M. Nyrønning has brought the history and people of Britannia alive in the commemorative book, through 10 chapters exploring the people, politics and parties which have underpinned the White Swan’s role in Trondheim.

City historian Terje Bratberg has contributed to the project with research, and by being a critical reader. Through good times and bad, the hotel has remained a constant in Trondheim; an icon in the centre of town and society. Now you can read all about the property’s fascinating past, in this beautifully bound, limited edition book.

The book will be launched during Britannia's birthday party on 31st October. Tickets are now available, and each guest will receive a special limited edition of the book.